After the latest successful edition, is it about time we have another low key evening planned. BLS celebrates its first anniversary, which gives us all the more reason to create a big do for the third edition of the night’s best kept secret: Big Little Circus!
BLS goes Big Little Circus!
Even bigger, but more intimate than ever
We won’t kiss and tell – since secrets are secrets – but sweet holy mother, we have found an amazing location! This space gives us even an bigger opportunity to go all out for a night full of hypnotizing beats, bombastic decorations and splendor and of course, bigger bars. But above all, more fun 😉
One big, sexy circus
Yes, we’re going big! Circus in its full glory, but in the kind of intimate setting that we do best. Cozy corners in which passionate tigers and sensual lionesses can find each other. Where nothing has to happen, but anything can happen. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Dress to seduce. Men in suits and women in lingerie. Gentlemen, get inspired by the most stylish circus director in town and do dress like a true gentleman. Ladies, let sexy showgirls be your inspiration and please, don’t hold back. Big Little Circus is your chance to dress up. See you then, gorgeous!
All the information your naughty heart can wish for…
Men in suits
Women in lingerie
Yes, we are strict! No exceptions.
Ladies: €35 (single)
Couples: €95 (m/f, f/f)
Gentlemen! Bring your darling(s), because without them, the Circus door will stay closed.
Adres: Amsterdam
Start: 21.00
End: 04.00